Wolter (Formerly Wisconsin Lift Truck) Celebrates 50th Anniversary

Wolter (Formerly Wisconsin Lift Truck) Celebrates 50th Anniversary

What determines a company’s success? Is it the credibility they’ve been able to build over time or is it simply their ability to stay in business? At Wolter, formerly Wisconsin Lift Truck, we believe that the true success can only be measured by customers’ satisfaction and good relationships with other stakeholders, such as suppliers, friends and the community.

Judging by the number of accolades we have humbly received over the course of our 50 years, we’ve proven to be a strong and sound company, committed to providing quality services, products and solutions to our clients.

At the end of the day, our search for excellence is driven by the material handling solutions we’ve been able to provide our satisfied customers. There’s nothing more rewarding than a job performed that exceeds expectations.

As we look back, we’ve asked ourselves: how did we get here?  The answer is simple—we didn’t get here by ourselves! The long-lasting support we’ve received from our loyal customers is what has allowed us to now be celebrating 50 years in material handling; and we couldn’t be more thankful!

Being successful, however, would have no real meaning for us if we weren’t able to give back to our community. By getting involved and playing an active role in organizations and events around the community, we strive to contribute towards local development and sustainable growth.

Looking for a material handling company that treats your company’s requirements with a sense of urgency? Contact Wolter! We’ll provide you the material handling solutions to help you successfully achieve your business goals.