aisle master narrow aisle forklift

Understanding What Equipment to Use for your Company

When considering whether to purchase or rent, it is important you are using the correct equipment for the job in order to complete your projects in the fastest, most effective way possible. How do you know if you are using the “right” equipment? We have a few tips to help you understand what equipment to use.

It wouldn’t be efficient for you to be using a narrow-aisle forklift in your warehouse if it had very wide aisles. In addition, it could be difficult to try and use a forklift that is too big for your workspace. This is where we come in handy. We can help ensure that you have the most efficient and cost-effective equipment for every job you do. This is possible through a fleet study. There are four steps we take in order to do this.

  1. First look. We first visit your location and take a good look at your business. While there, we tour your building and observe your material handling fleet in action. In addition, we take the time to interview employees and perform an audit. All of this research helps to calculate what your exact material handling costs are. We don’t want to make any suggestions until we have all of the proper data collected.
  2. Reduce costs. Once all of the data are gathered, we then work to come up with recommendations aimed to cut your costs immediately. It is amazing to see how some simple changes, such as merely using the same fuel across your fleet, can make such a big difference.
  3. Better control. Once we cut costs, we want to help you keep cutting them down the road. This is possible through proper training your drivers, or changing up your scheduled maintenance program depending on the frequency of use of the equipment.
  4. Look to the future. In the future, we want you to continue to realize cost savings and make continuous improvements. We want to help you operate a more environmentally friendly workspace that has less equipment. We will assign a Fleet Services Manager who will then work with you to accomplish this goal.

Want to set up a fleet study at your warehouse? Don’t wait any longer— contact us today!